Studies are undertaken at the local, state and national levels of the League of Women Voters. The National League, the League of Women Voters of the United States, completed a study, “Money In Politics” this year, 2016. Local and State Leagues held discussion and consensus meetings to learn about the study and to provide feedback to the National League.

You may find information on MONEY IN POLITICS on the following links:

Part I –Democratic values and interests with respect to financing political campaigns

Part II –First Amendment protections for speakers and activities in political campaigns

Part III –Methods for regulating campaign finance to protect the democratic process

The League of Women Voters of Appleton has undertaken over 50 different studies since its formation in 1939. League advocacy for and support of issues are directly related to the studies the League has completed. The studies have revolved around government, education, mental health, natural resources, public transportation, public libraries and more.  A study may take from one to two years to come to completion. Upon completion, the membership moves forward to create a position from the study. The League can then advocate on these issues. Advocacy can take many different forms: letters to the editor, statements to the Appleton Common Council and/or County Board of Supervisors, statements at city, county and state public hearings on the budget, calling and writing to state legislators, and using social media to  advocate on specific issues.